Axel's WebpageIntroduction
Hi, I'm Axel Vanherle, a Master's Student in Industrial Engineering - Electronics ICT at UHasselt. Care to know more? Check out my About me.
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Recent blogposts
How i made my room just a little smarter using a rpi and AliExpress
Let me start this off by prefacing that i made my room just a little smarter, nothing too crazy. This post is going to be about how i used a Raspberry Pi, Python, Grafana, Prometheus, Docker and some sensors that i picked up from AliExpress for a few bucks.
So what the hell did i make?
Well, take a look for yourself;
OpenweatherAPI & System metrics | Bedroom & Bathroom |
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What you see is a couple of dashboard that allow me to monitor a bunch of metric in and around my room. A dashboard has been created that allows to me track the temperature and humidity in by bed and bathroom. In addition to tracking those two in my bedroom i also track the light intensity, I could’ve done that in the bathroom too but who cares about that if we’re being honest here.
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Why you should setup a DNS sinkhole
I’ve know about the concept for years now, but i always imagined it to be a pain to setup. In said imagination it was going to take me days to set this up, and i recently got to it because my exams were over.
Only thing is; it took me a grand total of 30 minutes to set it up. This blogpost is going to be about how and what i did to set it up, and hopefully inspire you to do the same.
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My ~25 KiB site is simply better; ranting about the current state of the web, soydevs beware.
Let me start this post off by prefacing that i’m not counting images here. I’m talking about pure HTML/CSS/JS or whatever bullshit frameworks a site might use.
In today’s world most websites are simply bloated, no way around it. But what exactly am I talking about here? These days, most sites are 5-10-20MiB. But why is this? It would be simple to blame it onto soydevs, but often multiple megabyte’s of difference are ads, trackers and junk being loaded in.
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How i organized my dotfiles
How i organized my dotfiles using git.
It seems appropriate to start this post off with giving an explanation as to why i would want to do this.
Luckily this is simple to explain; I’m a lazy fucker, that’s why. No really, that’s pretty much all there is too it. I simply wanted to make the process of syncing my dotfiles to and from multiple of my systems (most notably my laptop and my desktop) easier.
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How i beat Netflix's location lock.
How i beat Netflix’s location lock.
Netflix recently introduced a new feature to their service, that being “Netflix-Households”. And to put it bluntly, it has fucked me. I can no longer watch Netflix in my dorm room, without paying whatever Netflix prices it as. I no longer felt like using Netflix at all because of this, so i decided that i was going to selfhost whatever the equivalent of it is.
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